Myths About The IELTS Test

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8 Myths About the IELTS Test
As you prepare for your IELTS test, you are bound to hear and read about strange things regarding it. However, try your level best not to be distracted since most are technically false myths. Here are 8 myths to dispel as your prepare for your IELTS exam.
Myth #1: Different countries offer different IELTS tests.
Although the IELTS test has two different versions (IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training), each version on the same day is the same everywhere in the world; so, in fact, the test itself is not any easier for anyone.
Myth #2: I don’t need to take IELTS preparation courses. I can prepare myself.
Even though you can prepare the IELTS test yourself, most people who succeed have attended an IELTS preparation course. Joaquim from New Caledonia, for example, got an overall score of 8.0 after attending 8 weeks of an IELTS course. He said: “IELTS isn’t difficult; however, there are tips and tricks needed to get a good score, and preparation is mandatory.”
Myth #3: I can only take the test once.
There is no limit to the number of times you can take the IELTS test. You can take it as many times as you wish until you achieve your dream score. However, you will need to pay the test fee for each attempt.
Myth #4: To get my desired IELTS score, I must be ready to do as many IELTS practice tests as possible.
You only need to apply appropriate test strategies rather multiple tests in order to achieve a high score on your IELTS test. This is not to say that practice tests aren’t helpful. Remember that the IELTS measures your English proficiency and not how well you know the test.
Myth #5: I need to speak with a western accent to pass the speaking test.
A speaking test is a part of the IELTS exam that typically aims to test English speaking proficiency. You don’t need to flaunt a western accent to get a high score. Just use your natural accent and focus on speaking clearly and at a natural pace so the examiner will understand you.
Myth #6: The most essential component of the IELTS test is the speaking part.
This is far from the truth. All four components (speaking, listening, writing, and reading) are equally important. Usually, there is a required overall score and ALL components above a specific band (e.g. an overall score of 8.0 with all components above 7.0).
Myth #7: Quality matters more than speed.
Whereas the quality of answers you give during the test is important, you should not forget that all 4 sections of the test have a limit; and you should therefore be capable of answering all the questions within the time allocated.
Myth #8: I need a score of 7.0 to pass the IELTS test.
The IELTS test is not a pass/fail test. It measures English proficiency. However, you can say that you passed or failed depending on what you need the test for. For example, if you get the IELTS score required to enter a Master’s degree program, then you can say you passed.
Once you have dispelled these 8 myths, you will feel more comfortable and can focus on what really matters to achieve your ideal IELTS score.